
Traffic Light Cook

Wellness Friday: Tasty+Easy Hazelnut balls+Oats 101-are they healthy+ Spring recipes

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

It's almost spring! If you read last week's post, Is Sitting the New Smoking, and trying to move more, it's now easier to get out and get yourself moving.

Quotes I am inspired by...

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." — Mahatma Gandhi

This week's featured recipe drew the following comment from a college student...

These Recipes are the best! I am a junior in college and my friend and I make a recipe from the blog at least twice a week. I make at least one soup a week, and my friends always come the day I make it. The biggest hit has been energy balls; when I made them, they were gone in a single day because my friends ate all of them...Stella

Hazelnut and Cacao Energy Ball

If you are a fan of chocolate desserts, you will love these healthy hazelnut & cacao energy balls.

Are Oats healthy?

This popular breakfast staple boasts a wealth of nutritional benefits and versatility, making it a smart addition to your diet. But like any food, there are potential downsides to consider.

Until Next week...

Garima Lal-Trafficlightcook

P.O Box 3916, Ithaca, New York 14850
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